Cannonballs above the windows - Prague, Czechia

The Cannonballs of Prague’s Church

Of all the wars Prague was an active participant in, few leave their mark on the city today. One exception is on the church of Charlemagne in Prague’s New Town – the Siege of Prague from 1757.

Finding Prague’s lost Old Town fortifications

Tourists from the New World chuckle when they read that Prague’s New Town dates back to the 14th century. The New World barely existed in those days. Prague’s Old Town Fortifications have been lost but if you know where to look, you can rediscover the medieval limits of the Old Town of Prague.

A photo of the Powder Tower by night - Prague, Czechia

Entering Prague like a King – The Powder Tower

When touring a city, we tend to see it the way it is now. After centuries of development, certain nuances are lost or hidden and it is only if you are particularly resourceful that you can discover certain treats the city has to offer.