A photo of Milada Horáková at her trial

Milada Horáková: Czech resistance fighter

People who speak out against a regime ? are targeted. We think this happens in dictatorships but a democratic society can face the wrath of an angry administration. Under communist rule, Czechoslovakia targeted the resistance fighter Milada Horáková as brutally as possible.

A photo of the sculpture's and allegories on Mitrovice's tomb - Prague, Czechia

The man who was buried alive

There are many legends of accidental burial. I hadn’t encountered a real story about this sort of thing until I saw the tomb of Count Mitrovice in the ⛪️ Basilica of St James in Prague’s Old Town.

A photo of a glass of Prosecco

A Crystal Night

One juggling act travellers face is simple – when choosing a restaurant do you go for something close to the reassuring familiarity of the tourist centreRead More